
Melon and Two

TransliterationMokkō ni Futatsu-biki
TranslationBy a tree-melon, two pulled.
CategoriesPlant: Melon, Enclosure: Melon, Plant: Flower Square (In Melon), Geometric: Bars (Two Horizontal), Arrangement: In Pale (With Bars)
NotesThis particular four-lobed melon is called a "tree-melon" (木瓜), written the same way as flowering quince but pronounced differently.
SourcesKenmon Shokamon (見聞諸家紋; “Various Observed Family Crests”). 1467–1470. http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/2533035. pg. 13.
An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Japanese Family Crests. Graphic-sha, 2001. pg. 374. (for Japanese)
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